APPLICATION FOR EXEMPTION FROM SCHOOL ENROLMENT/ATTENDANCE AND EDUCATION ENROLMENT/PARTICIPATION Extended Absence COMPULSORY INFORMATION - all fields must be completed Name of Student (in full) * Parent/Guardian Address * Parent/Guardian Address Parent/Guardian Address Parent/Guardian Address Suburb Suburb State State Post Code Post Code Parent/Guardian Phone * Student's Date of Birth * Age * Gender * Year Level * Roll Class Situation Children and Young People in Care Aboriginal SWD Name of Parent/Guardian * Period of absence * Family/Travel/Holiday (up to 12 months) Other/Conditional (up to 1 month) e.g. COVID Restrictions Ongoing Medical (up to 1 month) OtherOther Details Start Date * End Date * This form is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Ecology Catholic Identity Pedagogy