Thomas Berry
Culture historian, Thomas Berry devoted his career to understanding how western religion and culture have failed to sustain a nurturing relationship between humans and the earth. At Holy Family, we have been greatly influenced by Berry’s explicit vision for a spirituality that is not merely appreciation of the Earth but rather that the Earth itself is endowed with an innate spirituality. The Earth is the primary subject endowed with a spiritual mode of being not merely an object of spiritual regard.
On Holy Ground
On Holy Ground is the ecological vision statement provided by Catholic Education SA to guide our schools in fulfilling the imperative for ecological action articulated by Pope Benedict XVI.
Dennis Edwards
Father Denis Edwards is a local theologian who has guided us with his understandings concerning ecological conversion. His book “Ecology at the Heart of Faith” has been an inspiration to us. “A turning towards a love for our planet and all its creatures has the gift of God. We are led into a profound communion that allows the whole creation in God and leads us towards a way of feeling, living and acting as part of the global community of life.”