Outside School Hours Care

Welcome to the OSHC service at Holy Family Catholic School.

We believe children’s well-being and development is supported best when they feel safe and secure.

“It is only when children feel safe that they will take risks to explore their physical environment. Children need to feel emotionally secure and valued.”

We will endeavour to:

  • provide a physical environment that is safe and encourages investigation and to have fun.
  • provide a happy, engaging atmosphere for the children to feel belong.
  • promoting a sense of well-being and independence.
  • interact with children in a warm and friendly manner.
  • be consistent and fair in our expectations of children’s behaviour and guide children in a positive way.
  • ensure consistent and fair consequences to inappropriate behaviour.
  • provide and display a predictable, but flexible routine/program.
  • continue our own professional growth and development to ensure high quality care.

We believe children’s social and emotional development is critical to their future learning and wellbeing.

We will endeavour to:

  • help children learn and explore with appropriate interaction skills.
  • help children learn to balance their own rights, needs and feelings with those of others.
  • celebrate children’s achievements and individually.
  • Model positive behaviour, respect and manners as staff members.


Daily Routine

6.30am Centre opens
Programmed learning experiences
7.00am Breakfast offered
8.00am Breakfast closes
Hall packed up
8.05am Children engage in a group game in the hall
8.25am Roll call
Years 2-6 children sent to classrooms and supervised in yard by school staff
8.30am Reception and Year 1 students walk with educators to classrooms
9.00am Centre closes


2.00pm Centre opens
OSHC room and hall set up with programed experiences
Educator send s list to teachers of children attending OSHC
3.00pm OSHC Educators collect receptions from the classroom
Year 1’s are walked over by Teacher/ESO
Years 2-6 walk to OSHC from their classrooms
All children signed in and educator to locate any children who have not arrived
3.10pm Afternoon Announcements
Children engage in programmed activities in front room and hall
3.30pm Outside opens
Progressive fruit platter offered
4.00pm Afternoon Tea is offered
5.00pm Outside area is closed
Front room is closed for clean up
Quiet activities in the hall
5.30pm Group Game
5.45pm Hall is packed up
Quiet activities in front room
6.00pm Centre closes


Hours of Operation
Our service is open during the school term Monday to Friday:

Before School Care 6:30am – 8:45am
After School Care 3:00pm – 6:00pm
Vacation Care 6:30am – 6:00pm
Pupil Free Day 6:30am – 6:00pm







Before School Care $15 per child
After School Care $22 per child
Vacation Care  
      Full Day $60 per child
$70 per child
      Excursion $75 per child
Pupil Free Day $60 per child
Casual Bookings  
Before School Care $18 per child
After School Care $25 per child











Childcare Subsidy
You may be eligible to receive Child Care Subsidy. Further information can be obtained from Centrelink.

Enrolment and Bookings
All children must be enrolled in the service prior to attending. Our OSHC service uses an online booking system called Xplor Home. Xplor Home comes with many great features using a mobile phone app to give you the ability to:
Book your child into Before School Care, After School Care, Vacation Care etc
View your statements at any time
Sign your children in/out contactless using QR code scanning
Make a payment for your OSHC statement at any time

Cancellations must be notified as listed below otherwise the session fee will be charged:
After School Care – notify by 9am on the day.
Before School Care and Vacation Care/Pupil Free Day – notify by 3pm the previous day.

Collection of Children
Only those persons specified on the enrolment are permitted to collect children from the Centre. In the case of other persons not on the enrolment prearranged by the parents/careprovider to collect children, the service must be notified in advance by the parent/careprovider.

Behaviour Management
At Holy Family OSHC all children are expected to follow the Centre’s rules and guidelines. These are posted up on the Information Board in the Centre. In the event that rules are broken, reasonable consequences will follow. In the case of a disruptive child, the Director will discuss the issue with the parents or caregivers.
Please note: The Centre reserves the right to terminate enrolment if inappropriate behaviour continues after reasonable measures have been taken to involve the child positively.

Come in and see us at the service in our operational hours for all your enquiries. (6.30—8.30am & 2.00—6.00pm.) We are located at the front of the school in the multi-purpose hall.

If these times are inconvenient for you, you can leave your name and a contact phone number at the front office of the school and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


For all general enquiries
Phone: 8258 0293 or
Email: oshc24@holyfamily.catholic.edu.au