/ Laptop workshop for parents

Laptop workshop for parents

March 8, 2017
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Due to the popularity of the first laptop workshop we are holding another workshop. Feel free to come again or come for the first time!

Want to know more about how to use your child’s laptop? Then please join us for an informal and practical workshop covering areas such as:

  • How to save and retrieve documents
  • How to upload and access photos
  • Ideas of games and programs available on the laptop.

Your child/children are more than welcome to join for the session so we can all learn from each other. There is no cost involved.

When: Wednesday 8th March (week6) 2:00pm – 3:00pm

Where: Holy Family Staff Room

What to bring: You and your child and your child’s laptop.

Bookings are limited: Please RSVP to 8250 6616 / emma.finos@holyfamily.catholic.edu.au